Aquarius Life Water
Love & Gratitude
Drink whats good for you.

The Age of Aquarius and the Mission of Aquarius LifeWater
As we have entered the Age of Aquarius the Age of Water Bearer. We are moving into a time where the power of water is being realized. Water is precious and Sacred and must be honored for water is life. As we age we dry up like a prune as the water of the body diminishes.The Waters of the earth are becoming polluted, parts of the earth water is scarce and no where to be found, our friends the creatures of the sea our losining their lives due to the toxicity within their environment.
People are living with polluted water or with none at all. Very recently in North Broward residents have been warned not to drink the water provided through their kitchen faucets. The Mission of Aquarius Life Water is to bring awareness and the healling, life giving force of water to all. While also bringing education to all of the Power of Water. To raise consciosness as to what water truly is, a living organic conscioussness with integillence and memory which is an extension of each and every one of us human beings on earth as we are made of 76% water in adult hood. We must tend to our waters, keep them clean and clear free of metals, contaminants not only of physical substance but of mental and emotional toxicicty. Scientific study is leading me to be believe that water has the potentials to be sacred medicine for healing, a source for free energy,and carrier of wisdom & knowldge. Inviting me to take a closer look at my relationship with the elements of nature. but that is just mine and a few many other belief. Our mision is to bring awareness to this powerfulful force of nature, so that we can care and heal our waters by simply realzing that the waters of the earth are the waters within us and that by healing the waters of the world we heal the waters within.
Immediate Profits earned from the sell of Aquarisu Life Water will go to support Dr Emoto Message of Water Childrens book and Hado Ambassador program to further the education of Vibration on water and the education of the power of water to children.
That is the immediate agenda for the purpose of Aquarius Life Water at the very moment, but this is just the beginning........