One Soul Holistic

Prayer Danse
Has conscious movement become your passion and your process?
Has being held in Sacred Space healed, awakened and liberated you into authentic heartfelt connection?
Are you feeling called to become a certified Sacred Spaceholder and hold this practice?
If Yes is your answer, then join us on this transformational journey into the UniverSe of DanSe . . .During the training you will learn how to connect and trust your inner voice and the healer within, you will discover the beautiful wisdom of your own body, and it’s intimate language. Use the learnings from your unique path to here as the map that helps to guide your authentic teachings. You will learn the very practical aspects of being a PrayerdanSe facilitator.
If you are looking to explore becoming a movement facilitator in your community, offering the transformational power of Danse as a traveling facilitator, or would like to integrate danse into your holistic practice ~ this training is for YOU!7
Weeks Starting May 17th - Completing June 28 Saturday 12-5 | Sunday 3-7 | Tuesday webinar 7-8:30 PMPrerequisites:
Personal Transformational Journey + 6 months + established personal movement practice.
Price $1950Early registration before May 5th $1800Sign up with a friend and get $100 off each
Mention ONE SOUL HOLISTIC and receive $100.00 off Tuition
In this one of a kind transformational journey you will learn:
♥ Process of the Prayerdanse Practice ♥ How do you Hold Sacred Space?
♥ Using your Story and knowing your Shadow
♥ The eSSential Seven S~Practices of Prayerdanse
♥ Shaping the Practice with the Spiritual Spine
♥ Sacred Ritual, Altar creation, Music selection
♥ Individual exploration + Partner + Group work
♥ Business of teaching, ethics, and resources
♥ Integrating movement in your holistic career
Upon completion of the training you will be a certified Prayerdanse Sacred Spaceholder and facilitator. You will have a music library to grow your practice. You will get support through the Prayerdanse network, become one of the holders of a community practice if you are local, and have a presence on the Prayerdanse website. You will also receive post graduation support and guidance.
For questions and to register Gina (917) 325-9775 prayerdansers@gmail.com
"Dance is the fastest, most direct route to the truth -- not some big truth that belongs to everybody, but the get down and personal kind, the what's-happening-in-me-right-now kind of truth. We dance to reclaim our brilliant ability to disappear in something bigger, something safe, a space without a critic or a judge or an analyst." ~ Gabrielle Roth